Shark Tank: PaddleSmash, Monosuit, Bunea Papa, FairyTale PetCare

Tonight on Shark Tank, you are going to have a chance to see PaddleSmash, Monosuit, Bunea Papa, and FairyTale PetCare make an appearance. All have big dreams, but how many will turn into big deals?
If you are hungry for a little more information on all of these companies, rest assured that we’ve got you covered! Before we get to that, though, we suggest that you take a look the synopsis:
The Sharks are presented with investment opportunities that include a portable outdoor game that combines pickleball and Spikeball, a pet-sitting service for weddings and events, a high-fashion bodysuit and gourmet made-to-order French fries.
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Now, here are the names of the four aforementioned products…
Paddlesmash – This is the “portable outdoor game” mentioned above, and we do think that it has potential here! The issue with pickleball is that you need a court to play, and this can be taken anywhere and seems pretty interactive.
Buena Papa – The idea here is a series of Colombian-inspired French fry franchises, which can serve up food in a wide array of Latin flavors. The idea feels in some ways similar to Poutine, which is French Canadian but has a similar concept of topping fries with a lot of different, tasty ingredients. This feels perfect for shopping malls or other places you want unique food fast.
Monosuit – These bodysuits are made from comfortable fabric and with a number of different body types in mind — also, there are a wide array of different designs. The company’s website also shows photos of celebrities wearing them including Kylie Jenner and Paris Hilton. Feels like a compelling pitch, no?
FairyTail Pet Care – It’s a cute name, and the idea here is providing a service to care for pets the day of the wedding, while still including them in the ceremony. We can see the value in this, but weddings are also a tricky business and this requires a lot of manpower to get moving. Can they carve out a niche?
What do you want to see from PaddleSmash, Monosuit, Bunea Papa, FairyTale PetCare on Shark Tank?
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.