Big Brother 25: Was Cory Wurtenberger evicted?

Was Cory Wurtenberger evicted tonight from the Big Brother 25 house? We certainly anticipated it entering the night.
After all, let’s just put it this way — pretty much from the moment that the Veto Ceremony ended on Monday, it was clear what was going to happen. There was no real conversation about keeping Cory in the game other than his own campaigning; America could be a target in the next week or two, but that’s not necessarily going to happen just yet.
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Is getting rid of Cory really the right move? Well, the only argument to keep him is that he’s a target to hide behind, but that’s only a good argument until a certain point in the jury. Given his intelligence level, there is a real risk that he can win a lot of the late-game mental competitions we tend to see. At a certain point, physical strength does not matter anywhere near as much as anything else. Also, America is going to be combustible and cause some drama — we have a hard time thinking that anyone is going to for
So what actually happened tonight?
Well, Cory was evicted unanimously, and he took it mostly in stride. He had a great run on the show and he acknowledged that, and he also indicated that he’s looking forward to spending time with America after the fact. Cirie also seemed to indicate in her goodbye messages that his showmance did prove to be a point of frustration for many people in the house.
Also, we personally are just glad that we got some goodbye messages at all after they were pretty MIA during Cameron’s eviction last week.
Related – Get more news on Big Brother 25, including our expectations for the HoH Competition
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