The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon season 2: The role of the Nest

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon season 1

Just in case you were not curious about the central setting moving into The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon season 2, let’s say we have a clue. We know that there is this question of whether or not Norman Reedus’ title character will head back to America, but is there really that much of a question here at all? Let’s just go ahead and say this for a moment: The producers seem keen to stay in France.

After all, how can they not when you consider the role of the Nest? This is the place where Laurent can learn to be a better leader, and it is also a pretty spectacular and beautiful place to shoot new stories with all of these characters.


Speaking on this subject further to Entertainment Weekly, here is some of what executive producer David Zabel had to say:

The Nest is pretty prominent in season 2. It’s quite prominent. And you can see, having seen the finale, what a beautiful, incredible spot it is. And there are a lot of places there on that island we haven’t yet explored that we get into in season 2.

And it’s amazing that we’ve been able to shoot there at Mont Saint-Michel. It was my dream at the beginning that we would shoot there, and I thought it was probably an unattainable dream. It’s an amazing, magical location that seems made up, but is real. I had seen pictures of it, I’d been writing about it, I’d been hoping for it for months and months and months. And the first time I walked up to it, I was like, “Oh my God, this is amazing.” It created an emotional reaction, which I’ve rarely had with a landmark or a physical place. That kind of reaction — there’s just something about it that’s really amazing, the history of it, which we only touch on in the show, but if you read about it, the history’s amazing.

Now, whether or not the Nest is around permanently, that remains to be seen — but it does seem like the perfect place that can be well-protected from walkers and the like. The problem is just that so long is Laurent is there, we tend to think that Genet is going to be hunting him down. She’s still got a ton of power and influence; there is no denying that.

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What do you think the role of the Nest is going to be moving into The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon season 2?

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(Photo: AMC.)

This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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