Gen V season 1 episode 6: Any answers coming?

Gen V season 1

Next week on Prime Video, we are going to have a chance to see Gen V season 1 episode 6 arrive — what more could we be seeing throughout?

First and foremost, we should note that following the end of episode 5, the need for answers is here more than ever. What is going on with Dean Shetty, and why is she working so hard to control some of the students at Godolkin? Clearly, she had no problem using Cate as a tool to wipe the memories of some of the students whenever she saw fit and for whatever reason, she never thought that anyone would figure this out. This in itself was somewhat of a miscalculation.

What we do know is that Shetty was already able to push Tek Knight away and clearly, there is something delicate being protected here — tied to Sam, but also potentially more. This is where things are going through the rest of the season, but the hilarious thing here is that for a show all about superheroes at school, we have not actually seen them take on that role all that much. Could that be changing in due time? Maybe, but there are only three episodes left!

The thing that we’re waiting to see is more of how Vought ties into all of this, as well as who from the world of The Boys will be coming on board. We know already that Jensen Ackles will be turning up at some point as Soldier Boy, but they are keeping the finer details of that unclear. There may also be another cameo or two that the producers have been able to keep under wraps altogether.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Gen V, including more on season 1 episode 5

Where do you think we are going to see many events go moving into Gen V season 1 episode 6 on Prime Video?

Let us know some of your thoughts and hopes now in the comments! Once you do just that, be sure to come back for other updates.

(Photo: Prime Video.)

This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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