Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Is Blue throwing HoH?

Big Brother 25

We know that tomorrow night, you are going to see someone else crowned Head of Household within Big Brother 25. Does anyone actually want the job, though? That is where things actually start to get rather funny.

If you missed it, earlier this week we wrote a piece noting how Cory, America, Matt, and Jag may all have some various incentive to try and throw the competition tomorrow; or, at the very least they may think that they do. In reality, they may all need to try and win it just because they could in danger in certain scenarios — though Jag in particular is going to be viewed as a big competition threat now that Cameron is going to be out of the game.

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To add to a little bit of the chaos tonight, let’s go ahead and say this: Blue confessed to the camera tonight that she also wants to throw HoH. Does this mean that Cirie or Felicia could win by default? Probably not, since if one of the other players realizes that they have a chance at winning it, they could try harder.

Given how long the backyard has been closed, we should note here that there is a good chance that we are getting an endurance competition or something in that vein tomorrow. If everyone ends up throwing it, you can absolutely argue that this is going to be one of the more hilarious competitions we’ve seen in a while. Imagine if this is that spinning HoH competition and everyone just falls off almost immediately … it would be awkward, but also fun at the same exact time.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Big Brother 25, including some other updates on BB Comics Week

Who do you think could actually win Head of Household on Big Brother 25 tomorrow?

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(Photo: CBS.)

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