Gen V season 1 episode 5 spoilers: ‘Welcome to the Monster Club’

Gen V season 1

Are you interested in checking out Gen V season 1 episode 5 on Prime Video a little bit later this week? Now, there is a lot to prepare for! The title for this hour is “Welcome to the Monster Club,” and we certainly think that there is a lot of chaos that we’re going to see from start to finish.

Take, for starters, that this episode has some serious vibes of The Hangover, as a lot of the characters try to piece together what happened after the blackout. Per KSiteTV, the season 1 episode 5 synopsis gives you a much better sense of what lies ahead:

The gang wakes up at Dusty’s house from what they assume was an all-night bender. As they try to retrace their liquor and drug-drenched steps from last night, nothing is quite what it seems. Only Sam knows the truth. Marie begins to question Shetty’s motives and the secret of The Woods is revealed.

It does make a good bit of sense to figure out the truth behind The Woods right now. Is this the sort of thing that you need to wait on? In our mind, the answer is clearly no — there is no need! Even after we learn the truth about the Woods, we still get a chance to dive a little bit further into why things are happening there. Also, there is still more good stuff that you can set up on the other side, and we do think that there is a lot that matters when it comes to that.

The craziest thing to imagine

How are we already at the halfway point for this season? Things have blown by so quickly and yet, there is still so much more story that needs to be further examined.

Related Go ahead and get some more news on Gen V right now, including more on season 1 episode 5

What do you most want to see moving into Gen V season 1 episode 5 on Prime Video?

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(Photo: Prime Video.)

This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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