Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Who won Veto, Otev / Zingbot?

Big Brother 25

Who won the Power of Veto within the Big Brother 25 house today? We knew this one would be big, in part, thanks to Zingbot! He’s an iconic part of the season, and we do tend to think that there will be some good one-liners that will get a few different players more upset than they probably should be.

Rest assured, we will be back a little bit later today with some of the actual zings, or at least the ones we’re able to make out after the fact. For now, let’s focus a little bit more on the game.

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First, here’s a quick refresher: Bowie Jane is HoH, and on Friday night she chose to nominate Cirie and Felicia for eviction. America, Jag, and Matt were chosen to compete, and it felt as though a plan was in place to backdoor Cameron since he has no power at all in the house at the moment.

So, who actually won?

In a lot of ways, it didn’t matter since almost everyone (save for maybe Bowie) was destined to use it if they won. Eventually, we did learn that Jag was the winner, which was a little surprising since it seemed like there was no reason for him to try all that hard.

So what is he going to do from here? He probably has more incentive to keep things the same almost anyone else who played save for Bowie Jane, but we’re sure Matt will push for him to save Cirie.

(Quick pet peeve: can’t these people make it easier for us to know who has the Veto every week?)

What’s interesting is that the Veto was both Otev and Zingbot, making a significant change to the typical format. Like we said, hopefully we will have a little bit more about the zings later on.

Related Read more of how the Cameron backdoor plan came together in Big Brother 25 in the first place

What do you think about the Veto winner today within Big Brother 25?

Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, remember to come back — there are other updates coming up soon.

(Photo: CBS.)

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