Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Backdoor plan in motion?

Big Brother 25

Just in case you were wondering if there really was going to be a backdoor plan this week in Big Brother 25, now we have it!

For most of the past 24 hours, it has been fairly hard to read Bowie Jane as Head of Household, mostly because she has not been all that interested in making big moves or even having the power. While so many people all season have developed a case of HoH-itis, she absolutely is not one of them. She’s been pretty reasoned this week and apparently, has also learned when the right time is to adjust your plan based on the mood of the house.

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Even though last night Bowie claimed she wouldn’t backdoor Cameron this week, a few things have changed. First, he was not drawn to play in the Veto, which means that he is vulnerable and there’s almost nothing he can do about it. Meanwhile, he also was a little too forceful and pushy with Bowie in their conversation today, and she found that off-putting. Thanks to this and a conversation with Jag that followed, she seems fully prepared to make this move and get out the biggest physical threat in the game.

Sure, there is some time for things to change, but it’s not like Cameron has a lot of allies who will try to keep this from happening. The only irony here is that this move is not actually the best for Jag’s game despite him pushing for it, since Cam was always going to go before him and Matt. With him gone, they become more vulnerable, even if Cory remains a target in his own right alongside Blue. Cirie and Felicia may be the nominees right now, but they may end up being fine in the end.

Related See the Veto players for today’s Big Brother 25 competition

Do you think that getting out Cameron this week in Big Brother 25 is the right move?

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(Photo: CBS.)

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