‘New Girl’ season 2 finale review: Are Jess and Nick [spoiler] for season 3?

New GirlFor an episode of “New Girl”that hyped up Taylor Swift’s guest appearance almost all week, it was pretty interesting that the show took quite a long time to actually feature her on the screen. This entire half-hour was a blast, but also one that had some pretty major revelations that should shake up the show moving into the third season.

First of all, Schmidt, despite being with the awesomely sympathetic Elizabeth, took it upon himself to try and destroy Cece’s wedding based entirely on a wink. This meant he orchestrated a plan that included a certain song perfect for a hoedown, a live badger, and a horse that nearly derailed the groom from the start. Let’s be honest: We all knew that this wasn’t going to happen, but what was rather funny about it was that the groom was just as disinterested in the whole union as she was. The bigger surprise came in how it was Swift’s character Elaine (who appeared for all of 30 seconds) that ended up being the right one for him.

Oh, and Schmidt ended up along after balking to answer who was actually in love with between Cece and Elizabeth.

As for Nick and Jess, she was so convinced at first that he was a part of the prank plan that she didn’t want anything to do with him. When she learned the truth, things changed and it looked like the show was really going to go back to square one and forcing the couple to go through the old sitcom cliche of going around in circles all of next season. Instead, they finally admitted that they are ready to handle the risks of being together, and will (hopefully) start off season 3 in an even deeper relationship than they are in now.

What’s your take on the finale, and are you more and less excited for the new season than you were getting into this? If you want to check out some more scoop when it comes to “New Girl,” you can do so over here.

Photo: Fox

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