Survivor 45 episode 2: Brandon Donlon voted out

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Tonight on Survivor 45, we had a lot of questions all about strategy, including the following: Could Emily redeem herself? She had one of the worst performances in an episode 1 we’ve seen in recent memory, coming in brash and aggressive with just about everyone.

However, did we judge a book too much by its cover? One of the takeaways from the early part of this episode is that she actually worked to apologize and show growth — give Kaleb credit for some of that, as he realized everyone should have an ally out there and he doesn’t want to exclude players. Her stock rose and from there, Brandon’s stock fell after he failed to win an advantage while out on a Journey and he lost his vote. (Drew, meanwhile, over at Reba got a Safety Without Power Advantage that allows him to leave a Tribal Council before the vote. It is good until final ten. Meanwhile, Bruce did not play in it at all.)

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So now that we’ve got the advantages out of the way, we’ll say that Lulu and Brandon really had to prove in this episode that they could actually succeed in a challenge before we trusted them. Did they do that? Well, no. Lulu lost immunity and Brandon struggled again in the puzzle.

The aftermath

Well, it felt fairly clear on paper what was going to happen here: We would be seeing Emily voted out. Or, did Brandon ruin his chances? Well, he’s a great social player but at the same time, he stinks in competitions. Meanwhile, Emily has worked to earn some trust. She even gave Sabiyah her Shot in the Dark!

At Tribal Council, it was abundantly clear that it was between Brandon and Emily. Personally, we would take out Brandon — even if he is a far more likable player, you do have to try and win to stay around at the end of the day.

Brandon was voted out of the game and with this, we’ll see if this is the chance for Lulu will bounce back. Time will tell…

What did you think about the events of tonight’s Survivor 45 episode?

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(Photo: CBS.)

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