Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Is backdoor plan happening?
After all, there are good reasons why. Felicia and Mecole remain on the block and as of this writing, it does feel fairly clear that Cameron wants to use his Veto and get Cory out of the game. However, there is a difference between wanting to do something and making it happen.
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So who is the reason for the holdup at the moment That is rather simple: It’s Jag, who is reluctant to make the move at the moment. He knows that he’s got a good thing going with Cory / America (remember that the three have their fun “Unreliables” meetings), and sees the two of them as players to go after other threats. It is clear that he has to be aggressive and play the game eventually, but Felicia and Mecole aren’t players interested in keeping him around long-term. We understand his thinking, but you also don’t want to alienate yourself so much with Matt and Cameron that you start to look suspicious.
Speaking of which, the two are questioning whether Jag has a side deal with Cory that they don’t know about. Nonetheless, Cameron doesn’t want to use the Veto unless Jag is fully on board, since he can still work with these two guys next week regardless. This is going to be an interesting next few hours since Matt is actually convincing Cam to use it regardless, and that they can make amends with Jag later on.
If Matt really is this willing to get rid of Cory this week, that could make it harder for him to stay. After all, he would need four votes and America / Jag are only two.
Related – How did this Big Brother 25 plan first come together anyway?
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(Photo: CBS.)