Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Double eviction expectations

Big Brother 25

In just a matter of hours, you are going to have a chance to see a Big Brother 25 double eviction episode — so what’s going to happen? There is always the possibility for some crazy stuff over the course of these episodes … but we have also seen disappointments here and there.

Now that we’ve said all of that, the lack of campaigning this week has also been disappointing. Cameron has always been pretty terrible at it, so we’re not super-shocked that he has not done that much to fight for his life in the game this time around. He’s done almost nothing to fight for himself and instead, just chilled out and realized the inevitable is almost here. There have been brief discussions here and there about keeping him and that’s it.

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As for whether or not some people in the game are expecting a Double Eviction tonight, the simple answer we have there is “yes.” There are a few who think it’s coming, whereas others believe it will be later on in the season. Cirie and Jared remain in huge trouble, depending of course on what ends up happening tonight.

What is the scaryverse twist going to be?

Well, last night’s episode indicated that the Double is kicking off “scary week,” which could mean some challenges themed around it and, potentially, the return of the Nether Region to the game after some time away as of late. We actually think the show has done a good job of utilizing this theme, except for maybe the Scrambleverse which is sort of hard to show.

Given how many days are left in the season (it’s day 51 now!), it feels rather fair to say that we’re going to see something happen moving forward that ensures the rest of the game is stretched out. Maybe it is a Battle Back, or some sort of other possible twist.

What do you think we are going to have a chance to see across Big Brother 25 tonight on CBS?

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(Photo: CBS.)

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