The Golden Bachelor poster: Gerry Turner in the spotlight

The Golden Bachelor season 1

As we get closer to the premiere of The Golden Bachelor in just one month, it’s obvious how ABC wants to promote it! At this point, almost everything is about the star in Gerry Turner, and can you really be all that shocked about it?

Ultimately, let’s just go ahead and say this: Some of the official posters for what lies ahead are all about him, including one that features him wearing a golden suit while holding, of course, one of the newly-signature golden rose. Just head over to the link here to see what we are talking about here.

While it is nice to see Gerry promoted so much (especially since he does seem to be a likable guy worthy of love), we do think there is a big question lurking underneath the surface here: When are we going to get to meet the cast? That’s a huge part of what will make this season special, given the fact that supposedly, the entire cast is 60+ and there are twenty suitors for the show’s leading man?

The one thing that we can say, at least for now, is that production is underway and odds are, ABC won’t reveal too much until things are wrapped up.

How dramatic is this season going to be?

That’s a hard thing to answer without seeing the process, but we do wonder if the contestants will be a little more emotionally invested. After all, we doubt that as many of them are going to be on here in the hopes of becoming social-media influencers. There are likely a lot of people interested in finding love, and will prioritize really finding someone who knows them inside and out at this point in their lives.

Now, let’s just hope that within a few weeks, there is also a trailer coming up with some actual footage of Gerry on night one!

Related Be sure to get some other information now regarding The Golden Bachelor and what lies ahead here

What are you most hoping to see moving into The Golden Bachelor season 1?

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(Photo: ABC.)

This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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