‘New Girl’ season 2, episode 24 review: Nick and Jess’ new obstacle is…
As we near the big occasion that is Cece’s wedding on “New Girl,” there was really one thought that entered our mind: How hilarious can this show be sometimes? “Winston’s Birthday” was ironically not that much about Winston, and instead we had some fantastic stories that brought along the emotional journeys of some of our other characters.
Let’s start with one Nick Miller, who made a very poor judgment call. Thinking that Jess’ father (played wonderfully by Rob Reiner) would somehow be okay with the fact that he is dating Jess just because the two were having a great conversation about women. Just hearing the scream that came out of Nick’s mouth when Jess’ dad proclaimed that he was about to kill him is something that we could watch time and time again and never get bored (similar to Nick’s monologue on the park bench in “Menzies”).
So how exactly did Jess handle this situation? By freaking out herself. After coming back home following an insane day of dealing with students and trying to prepare for Cece’s wedding, she received quite an earful about how the two did not know anything when it comes to their relationship. Nick doesn’t know what he wants, which means that he and Jess’ father really have something in common. Nick and Jess did not get a chance to talk things out, but the end of the episode did give us a reason to hope.
When it comes to some other bizarre story-lines this week, Schmidt had to come to terms with the fact that if he wants to be with Elizabeth again, he can’t be the same guy that he has become. Instead, he has to find a way to bring the old part of himself back, even the one that he at times despises. Meanwhile, Cece had to find a way to get a nasty mark off of her face.
We will at least share bit of information when it comes to Winston storyline, mostly because it took him really the entire hour before anyone realized that it was his birthday. Happy birthday?
Overall, what was your take on “Winston’s Birthday,” and do you think that this has set the stage perfectly for a pretty awesome finale for the show? If you want to check out some more scoop on the upcoming finale, be sure to visit the link here.
Photo: Fox