Futurama season 11 episode 5 spoilers: A spoof of Amazon

Futurama season 11

Want to learn a little bit more about Futurama season 11 episode 5 when it airs on Hulu in a week’s time? Well, to no one’s surprise the animated series is taking aim at another big topic — while also still translating it into the show’s signature style and tone.

We don’t think that we need to beat around the bush here all that much. The title here is “Related to Items You’ve Viewed,” which should make it clear immediately that we are looking at a spoof of Amazon. We do think there is a lot of comedic material here, even if some of it is rather dystopian — think in terms of a company thinking that they know what you’ll like based on your own, algorithmic search history. A few decades ago, ideas like this would have been terrifying and unheard of for a lot of people. Now, they are more commonplace (and still terrifying, depending on who you choose to ask).

To get a few more clues as to who is at the center of this story, be sure to check out the full Futurama season 11 episode 5 synopsis:

Bender uncovers the mysteries of the vast Momazon corporation.

Our initial reaction to this story is more or less two-fold. It would of course be rather hilarious if this episode was actually airing on Amazon, though we’re not sure how happy they’d be about it in the end. We are always thrilled, though, to get a Bender spotlight! Why wouldn’t we be? This is someone who, time and time again, has delivered some really great content. That’s even true in the revival, which we think is getting stronger and stronger now. You can argue that it took a little bit of time for the series to find its footing, but it has now figured some of it out.

There is still a lot to go moving through the rest of the season; we will wait and see what happens next.

What do you most want to see when it comes to Futurama season 11 episode 5 over on Hulu?

Let us know right now in the attached comments! After that, stay tuned for some additional updates down the road.

(Photo: Hulu.)

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