Big Brother 25 spoilers: What is the Nether Region?
At the end of the premiere, Cory was jettisoned out to this universe, and there were certainly some questions as to what this was or if there were consequences to being there. We did not actually learn anything at all about the Nether Region from the live feeds and with that, we had to look towards the episode tonight for some answers.
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So, what exactly did we end up learning here? Well, almost nothing. We actually did not see the Nether Region at all over the course of the hour! Yet, what we did learn is that moving forward, someone could be stuck there for a far longer period of time than we would have thought. This is another interesting little wrinkle that has been thrown into the game, since the last thing that we would want would be to be isolated so early on and miss out on gametalk.
With this being said, could there actually be some sort of benefit to being trapped in the Nether Region? We do tend to think that at some point, there could be an advantage or something else hidden there that would allow a houseguest to make a big decision. It’d be really crazy if you went there and had a chance to bring someone back from the “dead” and into the game again. Just think about it.
What do you most want to see when it comes to the Nether Region on Big Brother 25?
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(Photo: CBS.)