Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Side alliances; Felicia’s hot tub fall
Well, from our vantage point, let’s just say that we are and then some! Tomorrow is the Veto Ceremony and just from that vantage point alone, we do tend to think that we are going to have a chance to see some last-minute campaigning … but not right away. After all, as of this writing the house is doing their annual swimsuit photoshoot.
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The backyard opened for the first time last night, but the real highlight of that was simply Felicia accidentally falling in the hot tub and/or destroying her mic along the way. This was funny, but also a reminder that Felicia is comedy gold. Luckily, she’s going to be safe even if she stays on the block … which she probably will.
At this point, it has been settled already that Hisam is not going to use his Power of Veto. With that, Kirsten will almost certainly be evicted. She campaigned a little bit to Reilly last night, who encouraged her to not give up even if Reilly isn’t exactly fighting for her to stay.
Now, a lot of the game may just be everyone trying to position themselves in some way for the long-term future … but what is that going to look like? Well, we think that Jared and Cory are an interesting pair to watch given that they both want to go far and realize they are on the bottom of various groups. (We know that Cirie would love to go to the end with her son, but she also has other things going.) Meanwhile, Hisam and Jag could have something brewing, realizing that the two of them have an opportunity to bring some representation to the show that we don’t see a lot of the time.
With this being said, it does feel like Jag and Reilly could be in big trouble next week — while they still seem to have Blue, America, Matt, and Cameron on their side, Cory is drifting over to Cirie, Felicia, and Izzy alongside Jared potentially.
Related – Be sure to get some more news on Big Brother 25, including more from the Veto
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(Photo: CBS.)