Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Post-Veto odds and ends

Big Brother 25

The Power of Veto Competition has been over for a little while now within the Big Brother 25 house, but what does the game look like now?

Well, let’s just start things off here by reminding you that Reilly is Head of Household, she “nominated” Kirsten and Felicia (or, really just kept them on the block), and then Hisam won the Power of Veto today. Is he going to use it?

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Well, nothing has changed from what we said earlier. While Cirie may be paranoid that she was a backdoor target (thanks Izzy), Hisam and everyone else knows that Kirsten is almost certainly leaving unless some sort of crazy twist saves her. She doesn’t have any votes on her side right now and a lot of people are already looking towards next week.

So, what does that look like? Let’s get into a few odds and ends.

Jared and Cory – They are in an interesting spot. Really, Cory has been working more tonight than we’ve seen since the Nomination Ceremony, and he does realize that he and Jared are probably the low people in Reilly’s massive Family Style group. However, they’re also protected in it for now. It benefits them for a while to have two sides of the house going at each other and not them, so getting out some like Luke (who has no one) moving forward is an easy option.

We do wonder if Cory has clocked who Jared is, given that he really acted as though he’d be okay to have Cirie around at the end, given that she’s not near the end on Survivor. Cory has to know that the BB challenges at the end would favor Cirie more, so is he just telling Jared what he thinks he wants to hear?

Reilly’s cooldown – She has now realized that after Veto, most of her Head of Household power is gone and she’s getting paranoid. Jared, who has certainly been paranoid often, has told her to chill out a little.

Hisam vs. Cory? – This is the one person Cory doesn’t want to see in power since he just doesn’t like him and he knows it. Hisam, per other comments in the house, thinks that he is lying about where he is in life and he’s a super-shifty / shady guy. He’s both right and wrong; Cory’s just too young to be some full-time lawyer or something in that space.

Related Read more about Izzy’s paranoia in the house

Do you think there is anything left in Big Brother 25 this week that could surprise us?

Be sure to share right now in the comments! Once you do just that, remember to come back for some other updates.

(Photo: CBS.)

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