ABC’s ‘Castle’ season 5 finale spoilers: Could Castle and Beckett break up?

CasteWhile the last two season finales for “Castle” have focused on life-or-death situations for some of our characters, next week’s “Watershed” looks to be taking a little bit of a different approach. Rather than seemingly putting some of our leads in a clearly defined place in which one could be shot or fall off the face of a building, what we are instead seemingly looking at here is a situation that could cause Castle and Beckett’s relationship to begin to fall apart at the seams: A job offer in Washington, DC.

So is she going to take it? We don’t quite know the answer to that just yet, but Castle makes it pretty clear to her that a move could lead to the end of their relationship. Ultimately, isn’t this a rather selfish way to look at the situation? We don’t know what would really keep Castle from making the move with her; he has the money, and all he would be forced to do is either take his mother with him while Alexis goes to school, or just allow them to keep his place while he moves some of his stuff down to the nation’s capital.

There are some underlying issues for the couple that exist outside of the book, too, including the concerns that Beckett has as to whether or not she is ever going to have a man in her life that is willing to open up. Thus far, he still has not told her what he believes the future is going to hold for them, which is frustrating.

What do you think: Is Castle being selfish, and will their relationship last if Beckett decides to check out this new job? If you want to read more on how she was given this opportunity in the first place, just be sure to visit the link here.

Photo: ABC

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