Big Brother 25: DJ Bowie Jane has past CBS connection
Take, for starters, the fact that she is originally from Australia, and she’s also been a barrister in addition to being a DJ. That is without even mentioning that her music has actually been featured on CBS before, crazy as that may seem.
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If you head over here, you can see Bowie herself showcase a track of hers that was featured on SWAT in the past. It’s actually one of her most-popular videos, and we tend to think that this could be referenced on the live feeds at some point. (For those wondering, we absolutely don’t think that this gave her any casting advantage.)
In general, one of the things that we most excited about at this point is for Big Brother 25 to really highlight how unique and interesting this cast is — and we hope that they do that mixed in with gameplay! We’ve got people representing different cultures and with wildly different careers — there are also more older houseguests than we’ve seen in quite some time.
Of course, there are still so many things about this season that we do not know, even though we are a pretty short period of time leading up to the premiere. Sure, we know that there are going to be some sort of twists entering the game, but what will they be? Given that time-travel nature of the premiere cold open, we do wonder personally if we’re going to have a chance to see a wide array of different twists from the past come back.
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Who are you rooting for at the moment heading into Big Brother 25?
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(Photo: CBS.)