Big Brother 25: Who is Matt Klotz? More info on deaf houseguest

Big Brother 25

We do think that Matt Klotz is going to be a fascinating part of Big Brother 25? Absolutely so, and for many reasons.

For starters, the show has not exactly had much in the way of deaf representation over the years. This is a way to change that, and also have more disability representation in general. Matt’s never let his lack of hearing hold him back, as he is an accomplished swimmer who competed at LSU and also at the Deaflympics.

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We do think it makes sense that there is some curiosity about there about Matt’s hearing loss and how it will impact how he plays the game. How does he communicate? He spells it out in a previously interview:

I am not from a deaf family. There is no explanation why; I was just born this way. It was before universal hearing screening was done on newborns, so my parents did not know I was deaf until I was two. I spoke some words, and I did everything my parents ever asked. I was able to read lips early on. My mom said that when they programmed my hearing aids and she spoke, I immediately turned my head towards her. Then my dad talked, and I turned my head toward him. They realized I had never heard their voice. I just knew how to read their lips.

This should give you a sense that he will be able to communicate with his fellow houseguests without a problem, and there is a precedent for hearing-impaired contestants on CBS reality TV. There have been multiple contestants with hearing loss on Survivor. Hopefully, Matt is a big-time player this season while also bringing awareness and education to what he’s gone through.

Also, he looks a lot like Tyler from Big Brother 20.

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How do you think Matt is going to fare moving into Big Brother 25?

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(Photo: CBS.)

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