Futurama season 11 episode 3 spoilers: A crypto spoof

Futurama season 11

Even before the start of Futurama season 11 on Hulu, we had heard that cryptocurrency was one of the many things the show would spoof. As it turns out, you aren’t going to have to wait in order to some comedy on this play out!

As it turns out, next week’s installment titled “How the West Was 1010001.” (Isn’t that about as clever a title as you’re ever going to see?) There is going be a lot of comedy that comes out of turning the world of bitcoin into a classic Old West gold-rush sort of story. We tend to think that with the sway this show tends to tell a lot of its stories, you are going to have a lot to enjoy and laugh at here regardless of it you are super-familiar with the world of crypto or not.

Below, you can get the full Futurama season 11 episode 3 synopsis with some more information on what lies ahead:

Bender and the crew head west to join the bitcoin mining rush.

It’s true that Hulu is not exactly giving us a lot to go on here, but at the same time, how much more do they really need to say? We tend to think that they have established pretty well at this point what’s going to make this story stand out, and also what you are going to laugh about.

We do still think it’s going to take some time to even get used to the fact that this show is back on the air! So much time has passed, and we really do appreciate that it feels both new and also familiar at the same exact time. Isn’t that a hard balancing act? We tend to at least think so from the outside looking in…

What do you most want to see entering Futurama season 11 episode 3 on Hulu?

Do you think that crypto is a very-much worthy subject for this show to mock? Be sure to share right now in the comments! Once you do just that, remember to also come here for other updates that you don’t want to miss.

(Photo: Hulu.)

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