Is Joe Pickett canceled at Paramount+? ‘Series finale’ reveal

Joe Pickett season 2

As we prepare for the Joe Pickett season 2 finale on Paramount+ next week, should we also prepare for it to be the end of the show?

Well, let’s just start things off by noting the following: The series finale is coming right around the corner, according to the streaming service itself. We logged on today to watch episode 9, only to see a pretty clear notice: “Series finale streaming Sunday.” There is not a lot of ambiguity there. They aren’t saying “season finale,” and this is not the UK where “series finale” and “season finale” mean the same exact thing. If this ends up being an error, we’ll share an update … it just doesn’t look like that is the case.

In a lot of ways, we shouldn’t be altogether surprised that the series is being canceled. Joe Pickett was an incredibly entertaining show this season, but it also has flown completely under the radar. We don’t think the bulk of TV viewers out there have ever heard of it, whether that be due to a lack of promotion or just no real word-of-mouth. It doesn’t have a lot of big names, even though it does have a gorgeous setting and some captivating performances. It honestly feels a little reminiscent of Longmire, which was able to defy the odds and last for several seasons after its initial cancellation.

Paramount+ does not release viewership figures publicly and because of that, it is hard to really comment further on how successful it was behind the scenes.

We should just note this, though: The streaming service has been on a tear as of late not only canceling shows, but also pulling them from the service altogether. Our advice here is rather simple: If you enjoy this show, be sure to watch it fast. You never quite know when it is going to be gone.

Good news?

Since publishing this piece, Paramount+ has updated the page to now say “season finale.” Curious, no?

Related Get more news on the Joe Pickett finale

What do you think about Joe Pickett being apparently canceled at Paramount+?

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(Photo: Paramount+.)

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