Yellowjackets season 2: The best plan for bonus episode

Yellowjackets season 2

As many of you are aware out there at this point, a bonus episode for Yellowjackets season 2 is coming at some point. However, there are still a lot of major questions as to when the show will be coming back for more.

Ultimately, the ball is going to be on Showtime’s court with this. They could technically release this installment at just about every moment. Do we think that they are going to? Not so much. Instead, they are waiting for some sort of specific moment to reveal some of the truth.

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Our personal feeling right now is that Showtime is probably going to do whatever they can to capitalize on the creep factor that exists around this show — in other words, the fact that this revolves around people being forced to eat one another in the wilderness. Our feeling at present is that if they release this upcoming episode around Halloween, there is a good case to be made that they are going to be able to generate a lot of viewership and attention for it.

Of course, another option (if they wanted to get really dark) is that they do some sort of Christmas episode. Do we realistically think that they are going to do that? Probably not, unless they find a way to actually make the story about the holiday. That feels rather hard when you consider the fact that in the past, the Yellowjackets may not be that focused on this sort of celebration.

Ultimately, we do at least think that we’ll be able to see this episode at some point this calendar year. It’d be rather strange if they held onto it longer than that.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Yellowjackets right now, including season 3 hopes

What do you think we are going to be seeing across the Yellowjackets season 2 bonus episode?

Go ahead and let us know right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, remember to come back for some other updates.

(Photo: Showtime.)

This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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