How I Met Your Father season 2 finale: Val, Charlie, and … Alex?
In the present, the big surprise was seeing Val and Drew of all people make out. Future Sophie revealed that the two of them were a total disaster, and we do hope that there are some chances to see that play out. Of course, we’re not surprised it doesn’t work out! Also, we’re not surprised that eventually, Val and Charlie find their way back to each other. They may be different in some ways, but they clearly still love each other.
Ever since the end of season 1, the big issue they’ve had is that Charlie doesn’t want kids. Or, that’s the issue that he’s had in the past. This Drew situation seems to be the thing that may cause him to feel a little bit differently. How that happens is still a mystery.
As for some other developments that we got during the finale, Jesse and Sophie are now a think and have told each other “I love you.” Yet, at the same time does anyone else feel like it’s still not going to last? This is only season 2, and this show could go on for a long time.
(Of course, we say this as someone who still rides for Sid and Sophie as a couple someday.)
Related – What are the chances that we get a How I Met Your Father season 3 at Hulu?
What do you think about the big How I Met Your Father season 2 finale reveal regarding Charlie and Val?
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(Photo: Hulu.)