Is Gordon Ramsay’s Food Stars new tonight on Fox, June 28?

Gordon Ramsay's Food Stars season 1

Is Gordon Ramsay’s Food Stars new tonight on Fox? If you are looking for some high-stakes culinary competition, we understand.

One of the things that we’ve liked from the very beginning with this show is that it’s been relatively unafraid to do something different. Just think about what we’ve had a chance to see so far! Sure, we’ve got some semi-classic cooking challenges, but also ones around hospitality, marketing, and even creating digital content. This is about legitimately creating a celebrity for the world of food, and with the stamp of approval from one of the industry’s biggest names. For Gordon, it is a nice change of pace.

Unfortunately, there is no new episode of Gordon Ramsay’s Food Stars on the air tonight, and the same goes the week after. After getting a nice run over the past several weeks, we have made it now to the first major hiatus of the season. Clearly, Fox wants to string the competition along for a good while during the summer. Also, there is a real desire here in order to ensure that the ratings don’t fall off as we get a little bit closer to the July 4 holiday.

Given that there is so much of the season left, we tend to think that it’s far too early to sit here and claim that any one contestant is a favorite. Instead, let’s just cross our fingers and hope that the rest of the season is as creative as we’ve seen so far.

Also, more intense debates

We really like the way that contestants are eliminated on this show — they not only manage to defend themselves, but also make the case that they are a solid team player. This is a show that is just as much about personality as it is your ability to succeed within a kitchen. That helps to make it stand out!

What do you most want to see on Gordon Ramsay’s Food Stars when the show eventually finds its way back on?

Let us know right now in the comments! Once you do just that, keep coming back for other updates.

(Photo: Fox.)

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