Secret Invasion season 1 episode 1: Is Maria Hill really dead?

Secret Invasion season 1

Just through one episode, somehow Marvel has managed to anger everyone with Secret Invasion season 1 episode 1.

Why make the decision to kill Maria Hill off in the closing episode? There is, at least at present, so much about it that just feels … off. Let’s start off with the fact here that Cobie Smulders has been featured in MCU projects for a better part of a decade and yet, there was still so little we really knew about her. Secret Invasion felt like a chance to actually expand on this person, who was one of the most important people within Nick Fury’s life. The idea that they were going to have this show made us feel slightly better that we didn’t see her have a big role on Agents of SHIELD, even though we wanted that.

Then … Hill gets shot at point-blank range in the first episode. Not only that, but the way that she’s killed is heartbreaking — by Gravik, pretending to be Nick Fury. Therefore, Hill seemingly dies thinking that her close confidante killed her. It’s tough all around and now, it feels like her death is mostly being used to further along the story of Samuel L. Jackson’s character.

We could say that this is a wasted opportunity, but even that is putting it mildly. Secret Invasion had an opportunity here to really course-correct on some of the more frustrating parts of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and give more nostalgia and continuity to longtime fans. This world has seen a major drop-off in enthusiasm over the past few years, leading to some box-office disappointments.

Now, pending some dramatic surprise later in the series, it is really hard to know how you recover from this and create a whole lot of excitement. Maybe we’re wrong and the series will pull it off, but we can’t help but feel some major disappointment at present.

Related Get more news on the next new Secret Invasion episode

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(Photo: Disney+.)

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