Black Mirror season 6 episode 3: The impetus for ‘Beyond the Sea’

Black Mirror season 6

We’ve had a chance now to check out all of Black Mirror season 6, and a handful of these storis left a lasting impression. “Beyond the Sea” certainly did, even if much of it was ultimately rather dark in the end. How else would you describe that shocking conclusion? We saw David, within Cliff’s body, go down to Earth and murder the latter’s family, which was absolutely brutal on the heels of some of his own trauma.

This entire episode was really a navigation of pain, especially since through his own loneliness in outer spice, David was not able to understand or hope with some of the feelings that he had. Instead of grieving in the right way he formed an unhealthy attachment to Cliff’s wife Lana, who was lonely in her own way.

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The end to the episode may have felt almost too jarring to some out there, but a lot of that may be due to it being hard to perceive David as a villain in that sort of way. Ultimately, a lot of that is then because the producers, plus star Josh Hartnett, never wanted him to feel like that. Here is what he had to say on the subject to Today:

“My job was to make sure that people understood that this was a human being in this situation and it wasn’t a story of somebody evil who’s doing something evil. Because that’s just too boring, right? It’s more like, this guy has gone through a trauma and he is in this extraordinary situation … And Charlie (Brooker) wrote this during lockdown as a sort of reaction to his feelings of lockdown … So I kind of like felt like an obligation to play the character as humanly as possible. It’s not like I’m trying to bring people to a dark place with it, but I really want people to understand where it’s coming from. Otherwise, it’s just some random act of violence, which is much less scary.”

In the end, this whole story was one based on loneliness … and you see that echoed through so many of these people.

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What did you think about the ending of Black Mirror season 6 episode 3 from start to finish?

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(Photo: Netflix.)

This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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