Barry season 4 episode 7 spoilers: The last before series finale

Barry season 4

As so many out there more than likely know at this point, Barry season 4 episode 7 is far from your normal hour of TV. This is the penultimate one of the season! Whatever happens here is almost sure to carry over directly into the finale.

So when are you going to be seeing it? Rest assured, the Bill Hader series will be on the air next week, but in a slightly different timeslot than before. It is going to start at 10:16 p.m. Eastern, a little bit later than usual thanks to Succession running a little later with its own penultimate episode. There’s no denying that it is a little bit weird to see these two shows both ending at around the same time, no?

The title for episode 7 is “A Nice Meal” and in true Barry fashion, there is not a lot to share when it comes to the official synopsis:

I was talking about office supplies!

In order to fully understand the context there, more than likely you’ll have to see the full episode air. We just anticipate a story full of consequences, and one where there are a few different twists and turns that are not the easiest to predict. We recognize fully that Barry is going to be flying on all cylinders in this episode, though there is also the question of just how everything is actually going to be tied together. Series finales are really hard, especially for a show that is so beloved in the first place.

If there is at least one big reason to have faith in this one, it has to be due to the singular vision, right? Barry is not one of those shows that overstayed its welcome, and it’s been around long enough to deliver a lot of really unique and great stories from start to finish.

What do you most want to see when it comes to Barry season 4 episode 7?

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(Photo: HBO.)

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