Will Trent season 1 episode 13 (finale): Is Angie alive?

Will Trent season 1

Following the events of the Will Trent season 1 finale on ABC tonight, it is fair if you are feeling a lot of different things. This was an episode that provided a valuable origin story thanks to Amanda, but also gave us some more answers about Angie’s health.

Is she still alive? Well, the good news is that she was not killed off over the course of the episode. However, we do think her exact state is still unclear and we’ll have to wait to see exactly how she recovers.

Why leave her future (including whether or not she is paralyzed) so uncertain for the entire off-season? Well, isn’t it another big reason to watch? We do think that her recovery is going to be one of the central stories for the character coming up down the road. Of course, it was equally important for Will to reconcile everything that happened in his past and start the process of healing, which we think this finale really did. It is somewhat unusual for a crime series like this to take such a personal angle in its season finale, but it felt well-earned after everything that we have seen over the course of the series.

Now, the other big question is just how some of these characters will move forward after all of this. With Will, does any of this impact how he does his job moving forward? Should it? We don’t know if this is the sort of thing that will come up in every single case moving forward, but we do think that it does inform who he is, and often ways he will not realize.

In the end, doesn’t this feel like a satisfying send-off? If nothing else, it makes us more eager for what is next.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Will Trent, including some more discussion on season 2

What did you think overall about the events of the Will Trent season 1 finale?

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(Photo: ABC.)

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