Ted Lasso season 3 episode 8: What stories could re-emerge?

Ted Lasso season 3

As we get prepared to see Ted Lasso season 3 episode 8 on Apple TV+, we know there is potential for a number of different surprises. After all, think about some stories that have a real shot at coming back into the fold.

One of the things that is clear with this season is that there are no shortage of storylines, really to the point where this has come up as a subject of criticism for some. The Jason Sudeikis series remains fiercely ambitious, and we don’t expect that to change. Of course, the trade-off with this is that there are some storylines that just don’t come back into the focus on a weekly basis.

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So what could come back into the folks in a couple of days?

1. Rebecca and the psychic – The unnamed man from Amsterdam was a subject of conversation in episode 7, but Rebecca had minimal screen time throughout. We anticipate that changing.

2. Colin’s sexuality – We think that the scenes with Trent Crimm two episodes ago are going to eventually lead to him being comfortable enough to come out to the team. It’s not a moment to rush, but it is worth watching out for.

3. Roy and Keeley specifically – Does the show have to circle back to the two of them at some point? We’d argue so. The biggest reason why Jack doesn’t work as a character is that we have no real investment in her. It feels like such a misstep, with that in mind, to send Keeley in this direction.

4. Is Dani ever going to get a story at all? – Maybe this doesn’t fit the prompt fully, but he’s been dramatically under-utilized so far this season.

Related Be sure to get some other details leading into this upcoming episode, titled “We’ll Never Have Paris”

Are there any stories that you feel could rise to the surface on Ted Lasso season 3 episode 8?

Go ahead and let us know in the comments! Once you do just that, remember to also come back for some other insight.

(Photo: Apple TV+.)

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