Yellowjackets season 2 episode 6: Who could die next?

Yellowjackets season 2

We don’t think it is much of a big surprise to anyone that Yellowjackets season 2 episode 6 is going to be spectacular. It has to be, right? The show is off the air this week but is returning on Thursday, and we have more evidence of just how epic it is going to be already. Just remember — all of the main characters are reuniting in the present!

Of course, no matter what happens within this story there is always that possibility of death looming around the corner, and that is what we want to discuss a little bit further here — who could we see die next? Also, does it have to be a character in the past?

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On the surface, it feels like the most obvious contender to go at this point is Coach Ben, largely because he’s such an outlier in his time period. Remember that this character did not dine on Jackie, is older than everyone else, and is also the only person able to communicate with Javi. This is one of those things that does matter considerably, even if it is not garnering all that much in the way of attention at the moment. Killing him would present another huge roadblock for the writers.

Personally, though, we don’t think that we’re going to lose Ben just yet … though he’s probably not alive in the present at the same time, either.

As for the present…

Crazy as it may seem, we wouldn’t be shocked if the next person to die is in this time period — and could it be Natalie?!

Based on what we’ve seen already, it feels like the wilderness may be demanding another sacrifice. This could be what is causing Lottie to see the visions again. If a main character does have to go, it would ironically make sense for it to be the person who thinks that they are “healing” to some degree based on being at her compound. Also, does Natalie have all that much of a continuous story beyond being at the compound?

Who do you think could be most likely to die as we prepare to check out Yellowjackets season 2 episode 6?

Be sure to share in the comments! Once you do just that, keep coming back for some other updates down the road.

(Photo: Showtime.)

This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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