Is The Company You Keep new tonight on ABC? Finale preview

The Company You Keep season 1

Is The Company You Keep new tonight on ABC? It may not come as a shock, but we would certainly like more of the show soon. It mostly comes down to when we’re going to have a chance to see it.

Unfortunately, you won’t have an opportunity to see it tonight. The Milo Ventimiglia spy series is off the air tonight, and we’ll be waiting now until April 30 to see what’s next. So what’s the issue here? Go ahead and point directly in the direction of American Idol, which is going to be handing your way a three-hour episode that features a ton of performances and also results.

As if all of this wasn’t bad enough to point out, The Company You Keep is also close to the end of its first season. There are only ten episodes, and that means that the finale is going to be here in a matter of just a couple of weeks.

So want more news about both of the upcoming episodes? Let’s just say we are happy to help! All you have to do is look at the synopses below…

Season 1 episode 9, “The Truth Shall Set You Free” – Realizing they want the same thing, Emma and Daphne agree to work together to take down the Maguires. Later, the Nicolettis consider selling the bar when a great offer comes their way, and David announces he is done with politics.

Season 1 episode 10, “The Truth Hurts” – Emma and Charlie partner with Daphne to produce a plan to take down the Maguires once and for all, but will the final showdown cause Charlie and Emma to stay on opposite sides or end up closer than ever? (Season finale.)

As we’ve discussed before, there is no official renewal for a season 2 as of yet. With that in mind, be sure to watch live and/or on Hulu the next day. These are the best ways to keep it around…

What do you most want to see moving into The Company You Keep season 1 episode 9 and beyond on ABC?

Share right now in the comments! Once you do just that, keep coming back for some other great updates down the road.

(Photo: ABC.)

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