Will Trent season 1 episode 13 (finale) spoilers: First details!

Will Trent season 1

For those who are currently unaware Will Trent season 1 episode 13 is serving as the big finale, and it is coming your way May 2. Why so soon? Well, because this was a first-year show, it is pretty clear that the network only wanted to invest so much into it.

If there’s any good news that we could share right now, it is simply this: We do think there’s a chance for a larger season 2. The crime drama has turned out to be a pleasant surprise, and one of those select few midseason shows that stands out almost right away. We’d compare it in some ways to Castle, which went on for many years after the fact.

We don’t want to get TOO far ahead of ourselves here, though, mostly because there is still a lot coming within within this particular finale. The title for it is “It Was the 80s,” and the synopsis below offers more insight on what’s ahead:

When an APD agent goes missing, Will examines the crime scene and locates a secret message putting him back on the path to justice. Meanwhile, with his lineage in question, Will realizes the answers he seeks have been in front of him all along.

Just as you would have probably expected from a show like this, the title character will spend some of the finale tackling a new case … but also something far more personal at the same time that touches back to something important. Even though a season 2 renewal was far from assured at the time this finale was written, we still tend to think that there could be a cliffhanger. After all, we have a hard time thinking this show was ever thought of as a one-and-done entry where there’d be no loose ends to tie up.

Related Get some more news right now on the Will Trent season 2 renewal

What are you most hoping to see over the course of Will Trent season 1 episode 13?

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(Photo; ABC.)

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