Lucky Hank season 1 episode 6 spoilers: The conference
From our vantage point, we are going to see what is a pretty different installment than anything that we had with the dinner party this time around. That was about as raw and as poignant as we have seen on this show, and it was a reminder of how versatile an actor Bob Odenkirk can be. We now recognize more of his vulnerabilities and his fears, and what happened in the past with his father really has shaped the vast majority of his life.
So while those vulnerabilities are still there, Hank still has to figure out how to move forward with his career in what has been a pretty tumultuous time there. Nothing is going to change that. The full Lucky Hank season 1 episode 6 (“The Arrival”) synopsis below better sets the stage for what you will see moving forward:
Hank and Tony travel to an academic conference, where their differing philosophies on work and life cause friction; Lily mediates trouble in Julie and Russell’s marriage.
By the end of this episode, we once again think we can understand a little more about who Hank is, but what’s going to happen here with his marriage? That’s another thing to consider given that both of them have been contemplating futures in different places for most of the season.
Will the next few episodes build the show’s audience further?
We hope so, and we also hope that AMC does continue to promote the show. This is far and away a different story than what we got with Odenkirk on Better Call Saul, and we do think it takes a little bit of getting use to as a series. However, the more you watch it, the more natural and beautifully-understated this show feels.
What do you most want to see when it comes to Lucky Hank season 1 episode 6?
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(Photo: AMC.)