‘Big Brother Canada’ live feed spoilers: Gary’s jury house dish

GaryWhile you may or may not be altogether pleased with the “Big Brother Canada” twist that has Gary back in the game, it’s pretty clear to us that there is no one more interesting to listen to right now. After all, he has a completely different perspective than everyone else: he knows what the jurors think, how they feel, and who are the likely winners of the bunch.

Of course, he also has another unique power: he could lie through his teeth to some of the other players, and they would have no way of knowing. (Honestly, neither would we given just how much of the jury house we have seen.) For example, Gary made some of the claims about the state of the jury late Friday night:

1. Alec respects Jillian for getting him out, even though he’s mad that she was the one to do it.

2. Andrew’s game is by and large pretty well-respected.

3. AJ tried to convince him repeatedly to vote for Talla if she makes it to the end.

Notice a pattern? Gary told these three things to Emmett, who has a decision potentially to make about breaking a tie during next week’s live eviction show. If he thinks that Andrew would win in the end, and that nobody will vote for a person who is back in the game thanks to a twist, than Andrew is easy to take out next. Emmett seems pretty convinced now that he may drag Gary as far as he can in the game, even to the point where he may have Jillian be a casualty.

The plan remains for Andrew / Gary to go up on the block tomorrow, with Andrew leaving so long as he doesn’t win the Veto. Talla will of course vote to keep him, but Jillian and Emmett will have enough power to make things happen.

If you want to read more on Talla’s mission from Marsha the Moose, be sure to visit the link here.

Photo: Slice

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