‘Survivor Caramoan: Fans vs. Favorites’ preview: Malcolm’s next move

Malcolm FrebergIf we were Reynold Toepfer on “Survivor Caramoan: Fans vs. Favorites,” there would be a serious part of us ready to shout “off with his head” at Malcolm Freberg. Why? The man not only took your hidden immunity idol, but played it when he didn’t need to. However, we have to say that Reynold is playing it pretty cool in the video sneak peek for tomorrow’s episode below, and is ready for the new strategy of commencing yet another idol hunt.

We actually understand why Malcolm wants to try and stay positive, and proclaim that Phillip blabbing was a dumb move. However, we’ve had the time to think about it, and we actually think that the Specialist made one of his better moves ever last week. He knows his reputation is as a loudmouth, and he exploited it in order to get an idol flushed out, knowing full well that nobody was going to be leaving the game that had it in their possession.

The only thing that makes this whole situation sadder for Eddie and Reynold is that the two guys have no clue that Malcolm has the other idol, and there’s no way that he gives it up for anyone. The positive for him is simple: he will probably be able to take anyone of his choosing out of the game soon, so long as the votes are split. The negative is that he’s making his alliance partners go on a wild goose chase.

At the end of the day, we think one of these guys will be leaving Wednesday. Next week we could see a big shocker and a game-changing move, but it doesn’t make sense to give the trio any chance whatsoever to use a 3-3 split against them to their advantage. If “Stealth R Us” loses a member tomorrow, it’s down to 5-3, and if they play their cards right they can get a person out with a 5-0 or 3-2 split.

What do you think is going to happen next on “Survivor Caramoan”? If you want to see where we’ve ranked some of the remaining players, be sure to visit the link here.

Photo: CBS

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