The Conners season 5 episode 16 spoilers: A day in bed

The Conners season 5

Want to learn a little bit more about The Conners season 5 episode 16? There is a new installment coming to ABC next week and, of course, there will be some comedy here.

The title of “Hiding In and Moving Out” is curious in itself, mostly because it does suggest some potential changes for at least a few characters. This has never been a show altogether afraid to shake some things up, and we’re sure that moving forward, that will continue to be a goal of theirs. We’ll have a chance to see the writers try a few different things in an effort to keep us on our toes, plus also give us a few relatable situations.

For more on this very thing, check out the full The Conners season 5 episode 16 synopsis below:

Harris takes her anger out on Darlene. Elsewhere, Dan and Louise spend an entire day in bed together.

Before we go any further here, it does make some sense to call out the most relatable part of this story, at least to us: Dan and Louise. We think for a lot of people, spending a whole day in bed is the ultimate fantasy. It’s the idea of no responsibilities and unlimited relaxation. Sometimes, it is bless throughout; other times, you get a harsh reminder during the process that you actually miss being out and doing things. In the end, it can be a fairly hard thing to figure out or determine.

As for the storyline surrounding Harris right now, it feels more like that is a direct continuation of everything that we’re seeing tonight. It goes without saying, but of course we’re very-much curious to see where that leads! It’s also just nice to see that the writers are still making an effort to balance out all the different plotlines as much as they can.

Is there anything that you most want to see moving into The Conners season 5 episode 16 on ABC?

Share some of your thoughts and hopes right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, remember to keep coming back — there are other updates ahead that we don’t want you to miss. (Photo: ABC.)

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