Tough as Nails season 5 premiere date hopes on CBS

Tough as Nails season 4

Following the big season 4 finale on CBS today, what can we say about a Tough as Nails season 5 premiere date? Are we officially getting more of the Phil Keoghan-hosted show?

We don’t want to spend a lot of time holding everyone in suspense here, so let’s go ahead and share the good news: You are going to be seeing the series back down the road! The good news was shared earlier this week, which is also when we learned that a number of other reality shows, including Survivor and The Amazing Race, are also coming back.

Of course, none of this serves to really answer the question as to when the show is coming back, and the answer to that is a little bit complicated. There are certain series that are a lock for the fall schedule but, unfortunately, this is not one of them. Instead, the only thing that we can really pass along here is that we would expect season 5 to be a utility player during the 2023-24 schedule. If there is a hole on the schedule at midseason, it could replace it.

What’s another possibility? If there is a prolonged writers’ strike this summer (which is absolutely a possibility right now), there’s a chance that CBS could use season 5 this fall as a way to ensure they have more content. A lot of networks are coming up with contingency plans, so you can’t be altogether shocked that reality TV is going to be pretty widespread a little bit later this year.

Will there be any changes to season 5? For the time being, we don’t think so — this is a show that hasn’t even put a lot of effort into changing its team names over the years! We think it knows what it is and has established a formula that over time, people have come to very much enjoy.

What do you most want to see on Tough as Nails season 5 when it does premiere on CBS?

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