TNT’s ‘Dallas’ season 2 finale spoilers: What’s next for Pamela and John Ross?

TNTSo what is coming up during the season 2 finale of “Dallas”? While we are sure that there are going to be at least a few questions left unanswered in order to keep people interested in a potential third season, there are at least some situations that will be addressed Monday night … including just where John Ross and Pamela go from here. After all, did anyone see their sudden wedding in Las Vegas coming? While the personal implications there are huge, so are the professional ones. After all, shares of Barnes Global and Ewing Energies are now effectively bound together, and we’re sure that this will make the show’s ever-competitive business world all the more cloudy.

While actress Julie Gonzalo is staying mum on just what happens with her character and John Ross moving forward, she did tell Entertainment Weekly recently a little bit about what is sure to be a pretty fantastic living situation depending on what happens with Pamela moving forward:

“I have no idea [if we’re living at Pamela’s place or at Southfork]. I’m like, ‘So now we all will live here? I’m living with my ex-husband, and his girlfriend, and my new husband? I think that’s what people really do respond to, in a way: Seeing the dynamic when I have to go get a coffee, and it’s, ‘Oh… hey, ex-husband. I’m just on my way to my new husband.’ I really don’t know what the plans are with that, but it could be comedic.”

Of course, we have to say that from the standpoint of creating juicy drama, we have a feeling what we would like to see when it comes to who live where. Is it a little devious for us to say that? Possibly.

What do you want to see for these two characters next? Be sure to share some of your thoughts below! If you want to watch one of the first promos for the new season of “Dallas,” you can do so by heading on over to the link here.

Photo: TNT

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