‘Big Brother 15’ live feeds moving to CBS.com from SuperPass; what does it mean?

Big BrotherUpdate: We’re now hearing from Joker’s Updates that the affiliate program for live feeds will continue, which suggests that the network is going with some sort of subscription-based model unless they are doing something else crazy. This may make some of our following points moot, but read the already-published article, anyway, to get some outside insight.

While we are smack dab in the middle of almost non-stop coverage for “Big Brother Canada,” there is some other interesting news to report coming straight from the world of “Big Brother 15,” and it could change the way you watch the live feeds in the summer.

In a post on their Twitter page, the folks at SuperPass responsible for running the show’s live feeds (though the content in them was always controlled by CBS and show producers) announced that for this summer’s season, the feeds would be moving over to CBS.com. Unfortunately, there is no further information at this time, including whether or not the feeds will cost money, or if they will go largely unchanged from what we’ve seen in the past.

So what is the reason behind the move? We have a few simple theories at the moment, but be warned this is all speculation:

1. CBS may be taking a page out of Canada’s playbook, and giving feeds that are free to watch, supporting by advertising, and are not always 24/7. This way they don’t have to deal with “paying customers” screaming at them for the feeds being down, and there will not be as much drama around it in theory (though we have a feeling there will still be people boycotting stuff left and right if the feeds are down longer than a few hours).

2. The show is increasing its video quality to equal what we see north of the border, and with the change they decided to just move it in-house, but keep the price and everything else the same.

3. There is some other sort of mystery plan in the works.

We’re going to miss SuperPass for a number of reasons, with the main one being that we’d rather pay for feeds and have more coverage of challenges and strategy talk than get free feeds that are down almost the entire day of eviction and also for endurance challenges. Also, many of our friends who host Big Brother fansites do so thanks to the revenue they bring in from live feed subscriptions, and this could be a devastating blow to their finances.

Anyhow, what do you what to see CBS do for their live feeds this summer? Be sure to share some of your thoughts below, and you can check out the latest in the world of “Big Brother Canada” over at the link here.

Photo: CBS

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