Severance season 2 premiere date: Why Apple TV+ will be patient

Severance season 1

At the moment, there is almost no doubt that we are impatient when it comes to Severance season 2. How can we be? There is SO much left to discuss after the season 1 finale, and that’s before the announcements even came out about John Noble and Gwendoline Christie coming on board. This show has great actors, a fantastic story, and an overall aesthetic that you don’t see many other places. With Ted Lasso potentially winding down after season 3, this could easily become the most important show Apple TV+ has in the near future.

With all of this being said, we still don’t think that the streaming service is going to be in any rush to deliver new episodes. They have no real reason to be.

First and foremost, remember here that Severance is, somewhat remarkably, still building an audience. There are a lot of people still unaware of it! This means that they can still promote the story to some people as though it is a totally-new show, and potentially recruit viewers who subscribe for either Ted Lasso or The Morning Show next year to come on board.

Also, there’s no denying that a story this intricate takes time to shoot, just like it also took a good bit of time in order to write over the past several months. There’s a reason why production at the moment is not slated to wrap up until we get around to May; this is not one of those series that is cramming a bunch of episodes into just a few months.

The most important thing behind the scenes

It is pretty simple: Making sure that there’s a season 3, provided the story is there. With this in mind, season 2 has to live up to the promise of season 1. One of the good things about being in this era of TV is that there’s less pressure to rush things; that means it can be a little bit easier to avoid sophomore slumps.

Related Check out more news when it comes to Severance and the future right now

What do you most want to see when it comes to Severance season 2 over on Apple TV+?

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