Survivor 43 episode 7: Dwight Moore voted out in blindside

Survivor 43

Survivor 43 episode 7 brought us officially to the merge, a time when almost everyone could be eligible to be voted out.

There was a lot to dive into strategically here, but of course, it was hard to dive into anything too deeply until we got to the other side of the immunity challenge. The castaways worked in pairs, and we finished of with Cody & Dwight facing off against Owen & Gabler. Gabler ended up winning the necklace at the end of the day, and after reciting all of these different people he was playing for. This was either really cool or really corny, depending on who you are. We appreciate him as a character: We’d much rather have someone who is super out there than someone who is playing it safe.

After immunity, things got absolutely bonkers. Of course, a part of this was due to James searching for an advantage underneath the shelter that turned out to be Knowledge Is Power. He decided to tell a bunch of people, and then that led to an incredible game of musical chairs where everyone handed off their idols / advantages to make sure that James wouldn’t be able to take them. He became a big target in a split vote alongside Ryan but then, the same could be said for Dwight. Jesse contemplated turning on his fellow Vesi members and making a much larger move. It was a risk.

Let’s go ahead and get to the vote itself, given that this was 100% a mess and very much fun to watch. James didn’t use his advantage. There was a lot of vote-splitting going on here, but then we got to the Dwight blindside. The moment that he saw three votes for him, he knew it was his time to go. Jesse deserves some of the credit for this, but it’s sad! Dwight was a really fascinating player to watch who was smart and if he had survived this vote, he could’ve gone all the way.

Here’s what is interesting about this season right now: We’re not sure that any one player is running the show. Jesse has shown to be a reasonable gamer, but we don’t think he is dominant.

Related Check out some more news when it comes to Survivor 43 right now

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