Big Brother 24 finale preview: Finale scenarios, possible jury votes
We know that at some point during the two-hour episode, Dr. Will is going to sit with the bulk of the jurors (including Brittany) to discuss the game so far. There’s going to be tension there. We can’t predict how the jury is going to vote entirely without seeing that, but we can at least say where we think things could be going!
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Let’s go ahead and play out the three possible scenarios we could see tonight; remember that the third part of the final HoH here will be between Monte and Turner.
Monte versus Turner – Probably the easiest showdown to look at, since we think that Monte wins handily. If Turner takes him, that could be seen as a weaker move even if Taylor is a jury threat in her own right. We think he’ll have Terrance, Joseph, and Michael’s vote easily — yes, we know Joseph looked bummed about Taylor and Monte sleeping in the same bed. We still don’t think he’s going to take it personally and vote for Turner to win after what happened in Dyre Fest. Jasmine also won’t vote for Turner and Alyssa was mad at him upon leaving the game. Brittany could vote for Turner, but where are his other votes? Taylor may not vote for Monte if she knew everything he’s said all season, but there’s no time for her to learn about all that.
Monte versus Taylor – Here things get interesting. Terrance was close to Monte and he probably has his vote. Indy and Jasmine could also support him. However, Michael and Brittany both support Taylor and we know she and Alyssa got closer at final five. Joseph, after getting so many jury questions about Taylor, will be an interesting x-factor here. Turner in theory would vote for Monte, but would he if he gets cut at the final three? This could go either way.
Turner versus Taylor – The same could be true here, but we think Taylor probably comes out on top. Turner will get some credit for taking out Monte, who got most of the credit for taking out Michael. Yet, he’ll have to shed the notion that he spent most of the game working for an alliance or never giving people a clear point of view on his agenda. As we said, there’s also Joseph, Jasmine, and Alyssa, who all left with less than favorite opinions of him. Meanwhile, Michael and Brittany have Taylor’s back. That’s five votes right there, enough for her to win.
What do you think is going to happen on the Big Brother 24 finale tonight?
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