Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Brittany’s last pitch (day 79)

Brittany Hoopes Big Brother

Welcome to day 79 in the Big Brother 24 house! This is of course a day where a number of big things are going to transpire — namely, the final four eviction and also the beginning of the final Head of Household.

If you have been following the (mostly quiet) feeds over the past several days, then you’ve got a reasonably good sense already of what is going to happen. Pending some sort of last-minute surprise, you are going to see Monte evict Brittany. She did practice last night a final argument that she is going to make to him; she may not do anything else one-on-one (we will see), but it could at least be in her speech before the vote.

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What’s her biggest argument? Once again, it comes down to competition wins and threat level. She references the vast majority of competitions Monte has beaten her at, which makes her far less of a competitor moving forward compared to Turner. She does have some points in that she’s not going to do well in endurance, as well as anything that is super-physical. However, it’s still not going to work — Monte had his mind made up the moment he won the Veto. He’s going to evict Brittany just because this guarantees in his mind a place in the final two. Taylor and Turner both will take him; the only way that doesn’t happen is if Turner backstabs him at the last second, which we don’t have a lot of evidence we can do.

What we did at least get some evidence of yesterday is that Turner is studying and trying to prepare himself for the final competitions, as is everyone else. Monte and Taylor continued to go through the days and other tidbits together in between some showmantic activities. (Yes, that is 100% still going on in the house.)

Brittany, meanwhile, also had another monologue to the cameras, one where she explained how much she loved the experience and doesn’t want to leave. She wants to play again, but we’re honestly not sure she’ll get the invite unless it’s some sort of duos twist with her and Michael. Taylor is easily the most-likely returnee from this season, provided she wants to come back.

Do you think is going to happen over the course of the day in Big Brother 24?

Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Of course, we’ll have some other updates coming soon that you don’t want to miss. (Photo: CBS.)

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