Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: A big question mark (day 78)

Matt Turner Big Brother

We’re about 36 hours away now from the next Big Brother 24 eviction and of course, we’re very much curious to get to the other side of it. After all, what we’re watching right now consists mostly of people sleeping, playing cards, and having innocuous conversations that don’t amount to much.

Brittany knows she’s being evicted and, at least for now, she’s not interested in pushing things further. Monte’s argument for keeping Turner has been well-defined and he hasn’t moved away from it: This gives him the best chance of making it to the final two. If he’s there with Turner, he does have a decent chance of winning. We know that he’d beat Brittany, but Brittany wouldn’t take him to final two and he knows it.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Big Brother 24 right now, including daily news on the feeds

At this point, what we’re wondering about has very little to do with Brittany, since it would take the biggest of Hail Mary throws for her to even remotely have a chance of staying. That’s just not going to happen. We’ve already seen Turner and Monte plan for the future. Monte thinks that either of them would take him to final two and they probably would. Meanwhile, Taylor’s been studying for any potential memory comps and we give her a lot of credit for being prepared.

Here’s our big question: What in the world is Turner doing? He’s not vocalizing a lot right now, but we think that he’s got more going on than anyone is even aware at the moment. Remember here that the guy is still on the block, and we imagine he’s not fighting or doing anything too overt strategically to ensure his spot in the final three. We think personally he’s been trying to downplay his knowledge of the game and then also not engage in too many talks.

Yet, Turner needs to have a larger conversation with Taylor at some point. He shouldn’t just enter the final three thinking that he needs to win out, since there is no guarantee that happens. Also, prepare a good argument for the final two if he makes it there; we don’t think he’s as much of a slam dunk as people in the house seem to think.

What do you think Turner could be doing moving forward in Big Brother 24?

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