Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Turner learns about Monte, Taylor
To be fair, it’s possible Turner’s known about it for a long time; he just decided to ask Monte about it today. He didn’t come out and say it explicitly, but he danced around the subject enough for Monte to acknowledge it. He referenced being lonely and there being an attraction there, while also saying that in general, he tends to be a private person when it comes to this sort of stuff.
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So why did Turner want to know in the first place? We really don’t think it was all that game-related, given that he doesn’t really benefit from having that information. He has no power this week; he just has to trust Veto holder Monte, and he may have just wanted to know what he’s up against in the final three.
What was a little bit interesting was hearing Monte try to downplay the showmance on some level, suggesting that the odds of it lasting outside the game are super-low and it’s just them acting in the moment right now. He spoke as though he almost expects to be doomed, and we’re actually sad for Taylor if she feels differently on some level. We’re now relationship expect so we don’t want to dive into any of the nuances of the Monte / Turner conversation; it’s possible that Monte doesn’t want him to think it’s something serious so that he still wants to go with him to final two. It’s hard to really know how either Monte or Taylor truly feel since even the Diary Rooms can be manipulated on some level.
Ultimately, Brittany is still going to be evicted on Thursday — maybe if Turner starts blabbing out the showmance and stirring the pot, that will change … but we doubt it.
What do you think about what Monte told Turner about his showmance in Big Brother 24?
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