Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Post-vote frustration! (day 75)
Has there been some campaigning to Veto holder Monte today? We wouldn’t call it “campaigning” per se, as Brittany still hasn’t sat down for some lengthy conversation with him. However, Monte and Taylor have spoken and we think she’s at least raised a few questions to see if she can get Monte’s wheels turning … but not in an overt way. Instead, it’s been more of Taylor being frustrated that no one has been honest about voting to evict her. This is to create a little bit of paranoia in Monte’s mind and even if he keeps Turner, she wants him to 100% choose her over him at the final two. (For the record, we think that Monte was going to do this anyway based on some recent debate.)
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The biggest reason Monte remains 100% confident that Turner voted to keep Taylor is because Turner has been so transparent with everything Alyssa said to him, including her threatening that their friendship could be in danger if he voted her out. He offered up more information than he had to and in Monte’s mind, it doesn’t make sense. Also, it’d be too obvious in a way that Turner would vote to evict Taylor over someone who was his “best friend” in the house.
There’s only so much that Taylor can do to save Brittany — we don’t think she really wants to for any reason other than her being easier to beat at the end. Brittany’s going to have to put in some work eventually, and we’ll wait and see if that happens.
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