Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Another Brittany error (day 75)

Brittany Hoopes Big Brother

Welcome to day 75 of Big Brother 24 — we’re just one week removed from the finale! We almost wish at this point the next few days were sped up a little; or, they extended some part of the game leading up to where we are now.

You see, what we’re talking about here is an issue that we’ve had with the show in general ever since they extended the final four to a full week; there often isn’t that much drama that happens. This time around, that was exacerbated further by Monte winning the Power of Veto, given that he’s probably the one person most set in his ways as to what he wants to do. He’s going to evict Brittany unless someone takes over his mind and puppets him to do something else. That is unlikely — we’re not talking about science fiction here.

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What makes matters worse for Brittany is that really, she’s not doing a whole lot to help her case by continuing to somewhat isolate herself from the group. We don’t think coming to Monte just when it’s strategically convenient is helpful at this point, since you also just want to give him a reason personally to bring you to the final three. You’ve already burned a lot of trust there, but why not try more to repair a relationship. Brittany went to bed significantly earlier before everyone else last night, which she’s done multiple times over the past week. She’s letting all of these conversations happen without her, and she knows the the Leftovers shined late at night all season.

We also should go ahead and remind you that Brittany has talked about a pitch she’s going to give to Monte, but it remains unclear if she will do it today. Taylor has also suggested that she’s not giving up trying to get Brittany to stay, either, but she indicated last night she wasn’t in the mood to talk game. Everyone has time to figure something out; we don’t think that Monte will change is mind, but why not at least try? We at least want it for entertainment. The only thing that Brittany can realistically offer as an argument right now is that 1) she won’t get any jury votes other than Michael and 2) she’s going to stink in the final HoH if it’s anything physical.

Do you think anything will happen in the Big Brother 24 house today?

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