Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Has Brittany given up? (day 74)

Brittany Hoopes Big Brother

Things are fairly calm within the Big Brother 24 house this afternoon, but is there potential for some drama underneath the surface? There is absolutely some room for discussion here!

So where do we start things off? The best possible play is noting where things stand at present with the vote. It feels still like a sure thing that Monte, who won the Power of Veto, is going to vote Brittany out of the game. It’s true that he stands a better chance of beating her at final two than Turner, but there are two factors at play here and Monte may be thinking both of them over to some extent.

1) Brittany would 100% take Taylor over Monte to final two and even if she promises otherwise, he wouldn’t believe here.

2) Brittany could stand a good chance within the final Head of Household competitions, especially if there is a memory component.

Earlier today, Brittany and Taylor had a conversation where Brittany admitted that she was just about ready to give up yesterday; however, she has since gotten herself back in the game today. (Given that the houseguests got messages from home yesterday, there was a little bit of emotion mixed up in everything.)

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Brittany made it clear that she is still going to fight and she wants to be there in the final three, largely so she can have that experience. We don’t think she has any chance of winning, though it’s been abundantly clear for a while that she’s going to be happy with second place thanks to the money it will give her to start a family.

Given all of the assurances that Monte has already given Turner, and Monte’s general conversations in general, it’s going to take a heck of an argument for him to change his mind. Taylor may push a little bit more, but that’s complicated now by her and Monte having a showmance. They’ve spoken about a lot of more personal topics today, almost as though they are getting to know each other outside the game. Will he be able to separate personal and game conversations as their relationship thickens? Time will tell…

What do you most want to see from Brittany coming up in Big Brother 24?

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